Wallet Manager
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The Wallet Manager is one of the core features of BullX. Here is where you can manage all of your deposits and withdrawals, create and group multiple wallets, and more. Using multiple wallets is a powerful tool for organizing your trading and acquiring larger positions in tokens without centralizing too much of the supply.
To create an additional wallet, select “New +” and then “Wallet.” When making additional wallets, you will see that you can download their private keys. Like we said in the Getting Started section, your private keys are extremely important and, for your security, BullX can only give them to you once. Any time you make a new wallet, you should download the keys immediately and save them in a secure place. You can also import them into a standard wallet like Phantom or Solflare so that you can always access your funds. When using multiple wallets, you can take advantage of BullX’s Distribute and Consolidate features to easily move funds.
If you want to trade with a wallet that you already own, you can import the private key directly into BullX and start trading with it. You can also group your wallets for more organization by clicking “New+” and then “Group.” For an old wallet you no longer use, select the three dots on the right side of its row and select “Archive.” You can always recover these wallets by opening the “Archived” folder.
To fund a wallet, simply copy the wallet address and send crypto to it. To withdraw from BullX, you can either import your BullX wallet into a standard wallet and manage the funds there, or you can use BullX’s in-app withdraw feature. If you’ve set up 2FA, BullX will ask for your code before allowing you to add a withdrawal wallet. Once added, you can withdraw from your wallets to your withdrawal wallet at any time.